Like the sea, Gujarat may be number one in lake fishing, but BJP’s failure, it ranks 15th


Gandhinagar, 26 December 2020

Out of 28 states, Gujarat has been pushed to the 15th position in trade or production of fish from lakes and dams. Gujarat produced barely 1.50 lakh tonnes of fish in 2019-20. Which produced 1 lakh tonnes of fish 10 years ago. The abundant waters of the Narmada have been released into lakes and dams for 10 years. According to him, fish production could actually increase to 5 lakh tonnes in 10 years.

This could not happen. In addition, industries in Gujarat discharge such polluted water into rivers, lakes and dams that cause millions of tons of fish to die. Gujarat loses 5 lakh tonnes of fish due to pollution. Although today at least 1.5 million tonnes of fish can be produced in Gujarat. Gujarat ranks number one in the production of marine fish in the country. It can also be number one in lakes, rivers and dams.

Apart from Gujarat, 40 lakh tonne is produced in Andhra Pradesh, 30 lakh 17 lakh tonne in West Bengal, 6.50 lakh tonne in Odisha, 7 lakh tonne in Bihar and 5 lakh tonne fish pond in Chhattisgarh.

The fisheries sector is the main source of livelihood for more than 16 million people in the country. The fish can provide employment to at least 1.5 million families in Gujarat.

Gujarat is powerful after West Bengal

India is currently the second largest fish producer in the world. Gujarat should have been a fish producer after West Bengal. But the BJP government of the state has failed miserably in 25 years. In 2017-18, 34.50 lakh tonnes of inland fish were produced in Andhra Pradesh.

Jawaharlal in water

Gujarat’s Fisheries Minister Jawahar Chavda is still making the logo of the fisheries department, water has been removed by hand. The monopoly of the reservoir is not given enough attention to increase the production of inland fish. Only 533 lakes have been monopolized. The product is obtained by stocking fish seeds.

Despite the abundance of water lakes and rivers in Gujarat, the BJP government in Gujarat has not been able to do anything for the last 25 years for freshwater fish in the country. Millions of tons of fish can be produced by planting fish seeds through pen culture or floating nets. The government provides assistance of only 50,000 rupees to 50 lakh fish seed growers.

200 fish in a dam

Gujarat has a lot of lakes and 200 dams where fish farming can be a big business in many months and winters. By not providing water to the farmers’ fields, the dam is filled with water from the Narmada canal.

150 lakes

The fish were first caught in 150 lakes. Now it has increased to 533 lakes due to Narmada water discharge. The area of ​​150 lakes was 2.42 lakh hectares. There are 5200 live irrigation ponds. Its area is 65 thousand hectares. Many of which have fresh water of Narmada. In addition, 21 thousand hectares of rivers meet the sea.

The canals

The 800 km long Narmada main canal and other canals with 3 thousand km long canals are alive forever. Twelve Masses are also worn in canals. There can be abundant production of fish. But it also requires the development of a Kesen culture. Large quantities of fish can be produced by making boxes and placing fish seeds in them.

River fishing

The 5 main perennial rivers of Gujarat are 1192 km long. In which abundant fish can be produced. But due to the gross negligence of the Gujarat government, industries are releasing polluted water in all those rivers. Therefore fish cannot be produced. Despite the waters of the Narmada, the fish cannot live in the Sabarmati in Ahmedabad. Water is poured from the Narmada canal into the Sabarmati riverfront, but there is so much polluted water that the fish do not survive.

Shallow water

The coastal area has 3.76 lakh hectares of shallow water. Where shrimp and fish can be reared. Yet this is not given enough attention.

Little help

The fisheries department has paid Rs 65.30 crore annually to 5,000 fishermen till December 2020. 1900 small boat owners have been provided assistance of Rs 14.4 crores.

Fish of India

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FFO), fish production has doubled since 1947 and doubled between 1990 and 2010. India has 8,129 km (5,051 mi) of beaches, 3,827 fishing villages and 1,914 traditional fish landing centers.

Fish production

Union Fisheries Minister Giriraj Singh said in 2019 that the central government had given Rs. 25,000 crores. During 2017-18, total fish production of 12.59 million metric tons was recorded, with 8.90 million metric tons from Hintland and 3.69 metric tons from coastal area.

Fish production increased by an average of 10.14% (11.43 million metric tons) during 2017-18 as compared to 2016-18. Inland fishing has increased by 14.05%.

As of 31 July 2019, the total number of fishing boats and crafts registered in the coastal states and union territories is 2,69,047.

In the year 2017-18, 13,77,243.70 tonnes of fish worth Rs 45,106.90 crore were exported.(translated from Gujarati)