Ahmedabad, 16 May 2020
Gyasuddin Sheikh, a Congress MLA from Dariapur in Ahmedabad, found fault with the failed Rupani government and said that the state government had also given Rs. Corona patients are allowed to be treated with a package of Rs 8 lakh. Which is illegal. In the current epidemic situation, it is not possible for any private hospital to treat a corona for a lucrative fee. Therefore, the government should acquire Sal, Sterling, Narayani, HCG, Apollo, and Zydus hospitals as well as bear the cost of treating corona and other serious illnesses in private hospitals.
All costs of corona treatment in all major private hospitals should be borne by the government instead of patients. It should be implemented urgently. The treatment of patients with serious illnesses other than coronary heart disease should also ensure that they receive excellent treatment. The Gujarat government should set up a system to increase free testing during corona epidemics, acquire every private hospital and provide free corona treatment in it. Patients suffering from serious illnesses other than coronary heart disease need to be treated.