Think seven times before doing hydroponics farming, this farmer stopped farming

Gandhinagar, 02 August 2020

Mahendra Narasimha Patel of Kasindra village in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, who has been associated with agriculture for 25 years, says he decided to cultivate Dutch roses in hydroponics with greenhouses in order to get more production through the greenhouse website, in 2019. I had a high-tech greenhouse project. Irrigation was done with pure water of RO plant through micro irrigation system.

Water and manure were supplied to the greenhouse by a fully automated system. Humidity and temperature in the greenhouse were also automatically controlled. Notably, the entire project was built in 2009 by Hydroponic. No land was used in it. Equipped with an automation system, hightec green House, Polyhouse had 32 thousand acres of Dutch roses and 64 thousand roses in two acres. 10 years ago, invested Rs 1.50 crore in the project. The first year was expected to be profitable.

Mahendra Patel was also given an award for this project by the Government of Gujarat, the then Chief Minister Narendra Modi called him Mahendra Bhai Gulabwala. He ran the project till 2014 but the cost was not up. The use of water is important for hydroponics. Its roots remain in water. 8 months of summer in Gujarat. Therefore the water becomes hot. The roots of plants cannot survive in hot water. Plants cannot survive. So the crop we had planted in this project was starting to fail.

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He has also grown many varieties of rose cultivation. He made roses in his area which are not found anywhere else in India, but in this hydroponics it was all useless. The project was discontinued. He says that hydroponics cultivation is not possible in the hot climate of Gujarat. Whatever you do will fail. Its production cost is so high that no one buys these vegetables. The rich don’t even buy. Therefore, this project for the farmers is a complete failure. Maintenance costs are higher for farmers.

In cities, home-grown hydroponics companies promote vegetables growing on balconies or terraces, but will be discontinued after a year or two. Because it is not viable. Plants cannot survive. The yield is not good. Terrace farming is very popular these days. Soils are not used at all in hydroponics. And the nutrients required for the plant are transported directly to its roots in water. This is called hydroponics. It is constantly in water. The water immediately becomes warm due to the heat of summer. Therefore it is not suitable for plants.

In hydroponics technique, plants are stacked one by one on top of each other. Those grown in broken pipes. It is called Future Farm but has no future. Creates pit of loss for farmers. Youth work by counting start-ups.

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Soil less farming with hydroponics technology requires 90% less water than normal farming. Plants get nutrients based on water. The cost of installing this technology in 80 sq ft in the house is Rs. 40,000. It can be planted with 160 plants. At the Sattwik Mela of Srishti Sansthan in Ahmedabad, a set that could be placed on the balcony of such a house was offered from Rs 18,000 to Rs 40,000.

Less pesticides, less water, less space, this method is eco-friendly. The framed frame and tower garden or 10 towers with 400 vegetable plants cost around Rs 1 lakh. This price includes towers, systems and essential nutrients. These 10 towers can easily go up from 150 to 200 sq ft above the roof. The annual production of 10 such towers is 2000 kg. The cost is very large. In a city like Ahmedabad, the water heats up immediately and so the plants dry up.

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On December 5, 2019, scientists in Chhattisgarh showed yields of tomatoes, lettuce, green salmon, strawberries, various types of flowers and cucumbers from the hydroponics system. But in Gujarat, it was cultivated in 2009 and in 2014 the farmer stopped hydroponics cultivation. Hydroponics cultivation of coconut husk is still possible. But farmers have 10 years of experience that it is not possible to cultivate water on a large scale in Gujarat.

“The land is the best,” said B. A. Serasia, former director of agriculture. “Hydroponics is useless for farmers. It is okay to grow enough hydroponics vegetables for your hobby. Hydroponics does not work in India. The benefits are not dull for the Gujarat farmer.” He said.

In the cold region, the global hydroponics market in 2016 was Rs. 45,000 crores Rs. In 2025, it could go up to Rs 78,500 crore.

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